Welcome to Velgarth!
Here, explore the world author Mercedes Lackey.
This page will be featuring several interactive Valdemar adventure stories, in which you can choose what happens next. I also hope to provide information on Misty's books, as well as up-to date news and quizzes. To quote a much overused tagline, "Are you ready?"
If you're scratching your head and wondering what the hell Valdemar is and who the heck Misty is, well, here are some answers: Misty is the nickname of fantasy and science fiction author Mercedes Lackey. Her most popular series is set in the world of Velgarth, and especially the country of Valdemar.
So what exactly is Valdemar?
Valdemar is the country home to the Heralds, an elite force who patrol their land and bring justice. The Heralds are remarkable people, Chosen as adolescants for their special talents and kindness. They are selected by "Companions", mystical horse-like beings.
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